Öster Research specializes in producing high-quality and well-researched knowledge about policy- and organizational issues. Special focus on topics regarding labor market and business climate.
• Reviews – Get a summary of the current state of understanding within a policy topic. Information is collected through public reports, statistical databases, and scientific articles.
• Comparative analysis – Get an understanding for how different countries, cities, the EU etc. handles a specific topic. This gives you the possibility to compare, find examples and understand trends.
• Organizational development and evaluations – Do an in-depth analysis of your organization or project. Use the insight in your change management process.

Reviews, policy analyses etc.
Organizational development and evaluations
Statistical reports on gender differences in a specific sector, customer: Swedish trade association. Öster Research collects data from Statistics Sweden, the Swedish Higher Education Authority, the Swedish National Agency for Education to provide statistical reports on gender differences in a specific business sector, as well as the relevant labor market and education programmes.
Comparative analysis of successful IT-departments, Jönköping Municipality. A comparison of how successful municipalities work with digitalization. Focus on organizational structures, roles and communication.
Evaluation of the ESF-funded project Valle 2.0, Skåne Association of Local Authorities . Learning evaluation of a project that aims to create a platform for validation in the region of Skåne/Scania. The platform will increase the access to validation in Skåne. The evaluation is done together with Asking, Skaneus Support and KAMUT.
Evaluation of the ESF-funded project Kreativ Arbetsmarknad, ABF Malmö. Learning evaluation of a project that aims to promote an inclusive labor market for those who need extra support. The evaluation is done together with Asking and Skaneus Support.
Development of cooperation model for IT-department, Jönköpings kommun. Development of a cooperation model for the IT-departments cooperative efforts with other departments in the municipality. The model was done together with Stefan Persson from Rhetikfabriken.
Reorganisation at Department for Health Sciences, Lund University. One year after a major reorganisation, an evaluation was carried out. Questionnaires were sent to all 150 employees, and the answers were analysed in regard to workforce satisfaction and integration between research, education and practice. This was done in cooperation with ASKing.
Project BAS, Labour Market Department in Trelleborg. This was a joint project between the municipality and the local job centre, aimed at people in post-treatment or being treated for substance abuse. Through interviews and document studies, the evaluation highlighted the participants’ perspectives on the project and focused on how the cooperation between the organisations could be developed.
Project Accelerera, Samordningsförbundet Burlöv-Staffanstorp. This was the first project with participants (NEETs) that was run by the newly-started coordination association in the two municipalities. Through interviews with project staff, senior staff and politicians we focused on evaluating the collaboration between the organisations/municipalities. This was done in collaboration with Stefan Persson at Rhetikfabriken.
Contact information
Phone: +46 (0)708-68 95 66